by MarBeth Dunn | Nov 26, 2020 | Uncategorized
I have fond memories of family Thanksgivings with friends over the years, and while this year we’re encouraged to stay home and stay small, there is still reason to acknowledge and appreciate life’s blessings.
Gratitude is an easy way to shift into a positive mindset. It’s one of the very highest of emotions, akin to love. Good things happen automatically when you take the time to count your blessings and think about all the positives in your life.
It’s been scientifically proven in many studies that gratitude…
- Can improve your health
- Can improve your finances
- Can improve your relationships
- Can improve your career
- Can increase your happiness
- Can make you feel good
- Can decrease pain
- Can reduce bad health symptoms
- Can increase time spent exercising.
- Can increase sleep quality.
- Can lower blood pressure.
- Can increase your energy
Just writing in a gratitude journal 5 minutes a day can increase your long-term well being 10%. That is significant and something you can do at home, even during a pandemic! Gratitude triggers a positive feedback loop – it makes you feel better, so you feel more gratitude, which makes you feel even better!
Because the benefits of gratitude accrue over time, it’s best to make it a daily practice or ritual to reap even greater rewards.
There are always blessings, even in the midst of a pandemic, even when you are in quarantine, even when money seems scarce.
Celebrate Thanksgiving daily, and watch your blessings grow!
© 2020 MarBeth Dunn
by MarBeth Dunn | Sep 8, 2020 | Health, Law of Attraction, Metaphysical, personal growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized, Wellness
Did you die a traumatic death in a past life? You may still be feeling it’s impact today.
Have you ever just met someone and felt as though you’ve been friends forever? Or visited a place for the first time, yet you knew it?
Think of your different lifetimes as roles you play in a theater production. The eternal, spiritual self costumes up for the current role and the play begins. Yet previous lifetime roles can often interfere with the current scene.
Every area of your life can be affected by your previous lives. If you drowned in a past life, you may still feel it’s impact in your day to day existence, as you avoid being near the water. You will repeat the cycle until you finally release it and learn its significance or inherent lessons.
That pain in your shoulder may be the result of being lanced in the 12th century. Your fear of heights may be the result of a fall off a cliff. A difficult relationship may be a rerun from a previous life or lives.
Your current money issues may stem from the vow of poverty you took as a monk. Your fear of spiders may relate to a death by spider bite. The possibilities are endless. One segment of my 5 Step Miracle Breakthrough Technology addresses past life issues as they influence current life situations. I’ve seen many fascinating cases where issues that were directly related to past life events were easily resolved once we discovered their source and cleared it.
Success Story
‘Tanya’ felt guilty about spending time with her son. She knew he needed her, but she was either too tired for him, or was distracted by something else. I intuited that her son, in a previous lifetime, had been her little daughter who had drowned. The pain and guilt that she carried over to this life were so over-whelming that she was not comfortable spending time with her son. After we cleared this past life issue, she was immediately able to be present with him. They now have a very close relationship.
Learn how to clear old past life issues affecting your relationships, health, finances, and more in my new FREE guide. Grab your copy now!
by MarBeth Dunn | Jul 14, 2020 | Health, Law of Attraction, Metaphysical, personal growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized, Wellness
Everyone experiences loss. It’s a natural part of life. The death of a loved one, a crippling accident, or the breakup of a significant relationship can shake you to your core. These events can be excruciating to deal with, and many people DON’T deal with them, hoping things will get better with time.
Sadly, that is often not the case. As a result, you may feel a persistent sadness, or a “knowing” that things are not quite right.
Then there are hidden losses. Something happened and you went on with your life and never dealt with it. You just kept going. You may not have even realized at the time how big it was. Yet, when you think about it, on occasion, you might feel a twinge of sadness, or pain, or regret for what might have been. It may have been the loss of your health, youth, beauty, sexiness, or lifestyle losses from a health crisis or financial disaster.
Losses block the energy flow in your life and you will hold them in your energetic field until they are released. You may feel them as a heaviness in your chest or a lump or congestion in your throat.
Unhealed loss can affect your relationships, your health, your cash flow; even your self esteem may plummet! Your emotions around a painful divorce or breakup may create a downhill spiral of apparent bad luck, financial disaster, and inability to move forward in a loving relationship. This need not be.
Success Story:
I came to MarBeth after I had just lost my mother and my job in the same week. I was terrified that I would be unable to find work or to support myself. I do not worry about this any more. I am able to see the positive in life and not the negative. I feel in control of my universe. I also feel an inner calm that I have not ever experienced before.
Josi Hausner, Sales Representative, New York
Create a happier life by understanding what might may be blocking it. Grab my new FREE guide and learn whether losses have been holding you back and what to do about it.