Everyone experiences loss. It’s a natural part of life. The death of a loved one, a crippling accident, or the breakup of a significant relationship can shake you to your core. These events can be excruciating to deal with, and many people DON’T deal with them, hoping things will get better with time.
Sadly, that is often not the case. As a result, you may feel a persistent sadness, or a “knowing” that things are not quite right.
Then there are hidden losses. Something happened and you went on with your life and never dealt with it. You just kept going. You may not have even realized at the time how big it was. Yet, when you think about it, on occasion, you might feel a twinge of sadness, or pain, or regret for what might have been. It may have been the loss of your health, youth, beauty, sexiness, or lifestyle losses from a health crisis or financial disaster.
Losses block the energy flow in your life and you will hold them in your energetic field until they are released. You may feel them as a heaviness in your chest or a lump or congestion in your throat.
Unhealed loss can affect your relationships, your health, your cash flow; even your self esteem may plummet! Your emotions around a painful divorce or breakup may create a downhill spiral of apparent bad luck, financial disaster, and inability to move forward in a loving relationship. This need not be.
Success Story:
Josi Hausner, Sales Representative, New York
Create a happier life by understanding what might may be blocking it. Grab my new FREE guide and learn whether losses have been holding you back and what to do about it.