I recently read about an Interheart study with almost 30,000 participants, that identified stress as a key risk factors for heart attacks that was modifiable. It got me thinking about how our thoughts are inter-connected with our health, wealth and happiness. This is especially relevant today with news headlines churning us up with constant threats to our health, economy, and world peace.
If our inner thoughts create our reality, and there are no idle thoughts, what if we could create a habit of thinking differently? Have you noticed how some thoughts make you happy and joyful, while others generate so much stress, sadness, anger, rejection, that you feel small and diminished?
Step 1. Be Aware
Did you know that over 70,000 thoughts careen through your minds every day? Notice what you’re thinking and you’ll get a sense whether yours are critical and judgmental, focused on lack, or blaming others for what’s wrong in your life. Ask yourself how they make you feel? Just notice and don’t judge yourself. What are your thoughts after reading a news article or watching the news? Are you glued to your news feed?
Step 2. Choose Wisely
Deliberately choose thoughts of appreciation for everything good in your life. Notice positive aspects to everyone and everything in your life. Choose thoughts that make you feel good, because feeling good is the antithesis of stress. And step away from the news!
Step 3. Love Yourself
Spend several minutes daily thinking loving thoughts about yourself. “I’m a beautiful person”, “I deserve love” “I’m successful”, “I am happy to be me”, ” I am safe”, etc.
Try this for a week, ans let me know how this Self-Healing strategy works for you.