Are You Reliving Your Past Relationships?

Do you find yourself unconsciously repeating the same patterns, choosing the same type of situation or partner, yet hoping for a different outcome? Cindy (not her real name) felt trapped. She had strong feelings for an emotionally unavailable man, very much like her father who was distant and cold. Cindy’s love interest pursued other women openly, and dangled her on a string for years, yet she was unable to let him go. Does that sound like you?

If you, like Cindy, grew up in a dysfunctional family, where a parent, sibling, or caretaker was physically or emotionally abusive, distant, unavailable, or narcissistic, chances are you will attract a romantic partner, close friend, employer, or co-worker with similar characteristics. You may find yourself unconsciously repeating the pattern again and again, choosing the same type of situation or partner, yet hoping for a different outcome. You may think, “Perhaps this time things will be different and my boss or love interest will finally see me and appreciate me, or love me unconditionally.”

The people you attract may appear to be different from your parent and the circumstances dissimilar, but intrinsically, where it matters, they are the same.  It’s impossible to read the label from within the jar, thus, ironically, people are often blind to their patterns. That is why a neutral observer can be so important to help you move through them. The silver lining is that repeating patterns can be a gateway to healing the past so you can move forward.

As we worked together, Cindy was empowered to shift her beliefs about herself and her value, and release her old self-sabotaging patterns. Not only was she finally happy and free to move on, but as an added bonus, when the energy shifted, her relationship with her father shifted too. For the first time in her life, he became warm, loving and appreciative.

Identify and release your old patterns! Grab your FREE guide today!

Have You Ever Wondered Why You’re Stuck?

Why you keep choosing the same romantic partner in a different wrapping?

Why, when things look great financially, you pull defeat out of the jaws of victory?

Why you develop health issues when you begin an exciting new path?

If you are sick and tired of living Groundhog Day over and over again with the same results, here’s a ray of light. The truth is, it’s not your fault! There are forces at play you may not be aware of that have kept you stuck. Once you understand what’s been holding you in old repetitive, self-sabotaging behavior, you have the power to choose something different.

It’s been said that when you are inside the jar, you can’t see the label on the outside. Similarly, when you are inside your patterns, you may need a different vantage point to see what’s really happening with you. 

I have found that there are 5 main reasons divorced women over 50 get stuck… family patterns, self-sabotaging beliefs, loss, unresolved issues from past lives, and energetic issues. After showing them how to release these issues, my clients have developed greater self-esteem, confidence, financial success, happier relationships with themselves and others, a deeper connection with All That Is. AND they have discovered that miracles are natural occurrences.

It’s time to let go of old patterns and mistakes and stop shooting yourself in the foot. Get my FREE guide now!

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