When you feel stuck, it’s generally because your energy is stuck. You are energy, and your body is composed of millions of atoms containing subatomic particles? Between these particles lie vast expanses of space. If you could actually condense all this matter in your body, it would fit nicely into an apple seed. Wowza!
And that’s not all! Besides your physical body, you have subtle bodies, transparent overlays that connect interdimensionally with your physical body.
When everything is in alignment, healthy emotions flow freely in and out through your subtle bodies like clouds. But when emotional issues are troubling you, they can congeal in your emotional body and create congestion that stops or greatly reduces the energy flow. This can keep you stuck in your relationships, finances or health.
In addition, your subtle bodies are filled with meridians and chakras or energy centers. Energy can get stuck here from past traumas. As if that isn’t enough, because your energy fields overlap with those of other people, you may be carrying energetic baggage that’s not yours.
Some people, like me and some of my clients, are empaths, extremely sensitive to the energies of others. Empaths feel other people’s emotions and energy blockages in our own bodies. I had no idea I was an empath for most of my life. I thought there was something seriously wrong with me. I could not go to a party without being “zapped” by other people’s energy. I did not realize what an amazing gift I had that could help others.
Empaths can feel especially vulnerable and believe that the world is not safe. You may also feel exhausted and drained when you are around specific people. And, because empaths are not born with a handbook, it can be difficult to figure things out for yourself.
There also can often an energetic connection between narcissists and empaths, who often find themselves puzzled, wondering why they are repeating the same relationships over and over again.
Success Story
Lila, a warm hearted therapist, has devoted herself for years to serving others. She came to see me because of uncomfortable sensations she was experiencing in her body. As we explored an energetic connection she shared with her mother, she realized spontaneously that she had taken on her mother’s guilt and shame over a life or death emergency abortion her mother had had when Lila was a baby. Her mother had never told her about the abortion. It was a secret shared only with the doctor, her husband and her mother. When asked, her mother confirmed that it had, indeed taken place. Lila had been carrying her mother’s guilt and shame for over fifty years. Once she was aware of the cause, and we released it, all her uncomfortable issues disappeared.
Don’t stay stuck! Learn my favorite energy clearing exercise in my FREE guide. Grab your copy now!