I just rewatched a short, but profound video, “The Evolution of the Butterfly.” by cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, one of my favorite speakers and authors. Although it was published 8 years ago,it is highly relevant today. Lipton uses the metaphor of a caterpillar to explain the massive changes our society is experiencing.
Lipton explains that the caterpillar is comprised of 7 billion cells, and each cell, like those in the human body has a job; it knows exactly what to do: digestion, muscular movement, neurological, etc. The caterpillar grows and its cells perform their functions until it’s time to stop and transform into a butterfly.
As if on cue, the caterpillar stops functioning as a caterpillar, and there’s no work for the 7 billion cells to do. The cells are suddenly aware that, “This economy is shut down. All these workers suddenly have nothing to process, no work to do!” Society appear to break down, and there appears to be chaos.
And then… a new community of cells emerge, “imaginal cells,” identical to the other cells, except that they see a different future, and bring new ideas into the population. These new ideas create a new civilization, that is an evolutionary advance over the caterpillar. It’s not the end, but a new beginning as a beautiful butterfly emerges from the chrysalis.
Every human is a cell in the body of a new, evolving organism. “Our world is late stage caterpillar”, says Lipton. “We are leaving a world that is no longer sustainable and moving into one where we can thrive.” He says to LET GO of the old paradigm and allow the new to unfold.
What if, like the billions of cells within the butterfly, we can surrender the chaos of our current WORLD situation into the hand of a Higher Power. We are, in essence, responsible for our own thoughts, and our own surrender. Yet as millions of human “cells” can surrender into a state of allowance, our ascension into the new paradigm will surely be nothing short of miraculous.