In late April, I was inspired to explore whether a unified global community could affect the level of violence in a specific part of the world through Oneness and Intention. Within 2 weeks, on May 7th, the World Miracle Peace Experiment was launched, with a daily 7-minute PeaceCast meditation, laser-focused on peace in the Middle East. It was broad-cast internationally, LIVE over FaceBook.
Statistics obtained from ACLED show a significant correlation between the level of violence and our Experiment. From May 7th through October, the number of fatalities and events show a downward trend!
As the violence has decreased in the Middle East, our ‘PeaceCasters’ received substantial benefits as well. Our participants experienced greater peace, reduced stress, more harmonious relationships, better health and a greater sense of connected-ness.
Here’s what we can deduce from the World Miracle Peace Experiment…
- Individuals can make a significant difference on our planet when united with others
- When united with others, we can effect change despite time and/or space.
- Individuals have the power to lower violence and affect other people when joined together with intention, in a unified field of love and peace.
- This unified field is powerful despite distance.
Please enjoy special access to ALL my meditations and Conversations About Peace with my illustrious Guest Hosts from the World Miracle Peace Experiment on my YouTube Channel. If you have not already done so, you can Subscribe here. It’s free, fun and beneficial!