How to Tame Conflict and Live Happier

It can cause a headache or migraine, or a nagging feeling of guilt. It keeps you from sticking to your diet, or going to the gym. It shows up inside you, in your personal relationships, between groups, or factions, and on a larger scale, it can explode into war.

I’m talking about conflict, which you may not have realized has been a root cause of your self-sabotage.

Defined by as, “discord of action, feeling, or effect; antagonism or opposition,” conflict appears to be a natural part of the human condition. Or is it?

On a personal level, conflict simmers below the surface, keeping you from living life fully. Things like helping a friend or relative when you really don’t want to; feeling guilty about bailing on chores to do something fun; avoiding activities you KNOW are good for you… all mean you’re in conflict. 

You may find it surprising, but there is good news… fear and conflict are the same, and can be resolved  with love. Yes, that may sound a bit simplistic, so I’ve included an easy way to release conflict and live your life wholeheartedly. 

How to Tame Conflict and Live Happier: 

1-  Don’t “Should” on yourself! The world “should” is a dead giveaway that you feel obliged. It means you are not committed 100% to what you’re doing. (And you’d rather be doing something else!) It’s the same with the words, “Have to”.

2- Stop What You’re Doing – If you get that “something’s wrong” feeling when you set out to do something. Stop. Recognize that you are in conflict.

3- Write it all out – Grab a sheet of paper. Fold it down the middle. Write down the benefits of doing it in the left column, and the reasons why you don’t want to do it in the right.

4- Feel it – Allow yourself to feel both aspects at the same time… I want to, but I don’t want to, Sit with both feelings for a while without judgment, and imagine these feelings surrounded with a bubble of love. It may feel uncomfortable or weird, but hang in there!

Bringing your feelings to the light, acknowledging, allowing, and surrounding them with love may be all you need to move into a space of happiness, committing 100% to living life fully.





You Become What You Believe

Remember when you were small without any filters? You were like a little sponge, absorbing your family’s values, their beliefs, and their thought patterns. You learned from your siblings. You learned from your teachers, from TV, from church, your friends, and  your community. You acquired many, many beliefs that don’t serve you any longer.

The weird and frustrating issue with these beliefs is that they tend to serve as transparent  lenses, or filters through which you view your world, so you don’t see them. You were probably not aware of them until I mentioned them.

When you look through a filter that says, “money doesn’t grow on trees,” or “good things don’t happen to people like me,” or “I’m just not good with money,” or “women aren’t successful,” your outer world creates what you believe. You will find yourself short of cash, unable to make ends meet. Unfortunately, you will work hard and struggle to make money, not realizing it’s an inside job.

Since you’ve always looked at life through these lenses, you have no other reference point. And the irony is that when you see things through these transparent filters, they become your truth…your reality… the only way things can be. These beliefs are insidious… silent… hidden… and they can keep you completely stuck.

Henry Ford famously said, “If you believe you can, you can. If you believe you can’t, you can’t.” It’s really that simple.

When you release your old self-sabotaging beliefs and replace them with new, positive affirmations, miracles can occur! Here’s what one of my clients experienced:

“I increased my client load and my income. I began to attract clients at a level that was unprecedented and unparalleled, with multiple thousand dollar contracts and opportunities for speaking that showed up out of the blue.”

Alexandra Figueredo
Mission Based Branding
Miami, FL

Zap all your self-sabotaging beliefs quickly and easily and create something wonderful! Grab my FREE guide NOW!

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