Is Your PAST Life Blocking Your NOW?

Did you die a traumatic death in a past life? You may still be feeling it’s impact today.

Have you ever just met someone and felt as though you’ve been friends forever? Or visited a place for the first time, yet you knew it?

Think of your different lifetimes as roles you play in a theater production. The eternal, spiritual self costumes up for the current role and the play begins. Yet previous lifetime roles can often interfere with the current scene.  

Every area of your life can be affected by your  previous lives.  If you drowned in a past life, you may still feel it’s impact in your day to day existence, as you avoid being near the water.​​ You will repeat the cycle until you finally release it and learn its  significance or inherent lessons.

That pain in your shoulder may be the result of being lanced in the 12th century. Your  fear of heights may be the result of a fall off a cliff. A difficult relationship may be a rerun from a previous life or lives. ​

Your current money issues may stem from the vow of poverty you took as a monk. Your fear of spiders may relate to a death by spider bite. The possibilities are endless. One segment of my 5 Step Miracle Breakthrough Technology addresses past life issues as they influence current life situations. I’ve seen many fascinating cases where issues that were directly related to past life events were easily resolved once we discovered their source and cleared it. 

Success Story

Tanya’ felt guilty about spending time with her son. She knew he needed her, but she was either too tired for him, or was distracted by something else. I intuited that her son, in a previous lifetime, had been her little daughter who had drowned. The pain and guilt that she carried over to this life were so over-whelming that she was not comfortable spending time with her son. After we cleared this past life issue, she was immediately able to be present with him. They now have a very close relationship.

Learn how to clear old past life issues affecting your relationships, health, finances, and more in my new FREE guide. Grab your copy now!


Have You Ever Wondered Why You’re Stuck?

Why you keep choosing the same romantic partner in a different wrapping?

Why, when things look great financially, you pull defeat out of the jaws of victory?

Why you develop health issues when you begin an exciting new path?

If you are sick and tired of living Groundhog Day over and over again with the same results, here’s a ray of light. The truth is, it’s not your fault! There are forces at play you may not be aware of that have kept you stuck. Once you understand what’s been holding you in old repetitive, self-sabotaging behavior, you have the power to choose something different.

It’s been said that when you are inside the jar, you can’t see the label on the outside. Similarly, when you are inside your patterns, you may need a different vantage point to see what’s really happening with you. 

I have found that there are 5 main reasons divorced women over 50 get stuck… family patterns, self-sabotaging beliefs, loss, unresolved issues from past lives, and energetic issues. After showing them how to release these issues, my clients have developed greater self-esteem, confidence, financial success, happier relationships with themselves and others, a deeper connection with All That Is. AND they have discovered that miracles are natural occurrences.

It’s time to let go of old patterns and mistakes and stop shooting yourself in the foot. Get my FREE guide now!

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