My Holiday Gift for You… Peace in the New Year ☮️

Looking for a 2019 free of stress and overwhelm?

Here’s my gift to you…the key to Peace, Love, Joy and Miracles. It’s the 10 Pillars of Peace, a poster I created just for you! Simply choose one of the pillars and focus on it for a week. Meditate on it. Use it as an affirmation. Post it around your house and work. Live it. If you forget, and lose your peace, don’t judge yourself. You made a mistake. Just let it go and return to your focus. The next week, choose another. Soon you will be feeling greater peace and happiness.

To download this poster, click on the image. Then save the image that appears in a new window.

A great way to accelerate your peace is to join my weekly LIVE meditation for Global Peace, broadcast every Monday at noon ET (9am PT) and meditate with me daily at

As more people embrace personal peace, and focus on World Peace, we’ll experience greater harmony on our beautiful planet!

Is your life tumultuous? Are you going though change? Need some expert help to help you release patterns that no longer serve you? Click Here to book your FREE consult with me.

Relaxation Made Easy!


Are you stressed? Stress has become such a common fixture in our modern life, that millions of people are experiencing its unfortunate side effects. Bodies communicate their distress about our schedules, conflicts, overload, and emotional junk by creating headaches, pains, high blood pressure, sleep issues, clenched muscles, and psychosomatic illnesses, to let us know that something is wrong. Stress is reflected in our shallow breathing, which, incidentally, is the most common form of breathing in our society. Since prana, or life force energy, is an intimate component of breath, most people are not receiving enough vital life energy to keep them operating at their best. So let’s BREATHE!

Here is a wonderful Kundalini yoga exercise I teach to release stress. It’s a walking, breathing meditation called Breathwalk. By combining walking, breath, and mantra, Breathwalk can energize you, calm your mind, expand your awareness, and enhance your mood, and add all kinds of health benefits.

1 – WALK For 5 Minutes:

  • Begin to walk, keeping your spine straight.
  • Inhale deeply to a count of 4, and exhale to a count of 4. Notice that your breath and your steps begin to fall into alignment.
  • Silently say to yourself the four universal sounds of Sa Ta Na Ma on both the inhale and the exhale.
  • As you repeat these silent sounds, move the fingers of both hands simultaneously, Sa – touching the thumb to index finger, Ta – thumb to middle finger, Na- thumb to ring finger and Ma – thumb to pinky. (Note: press the thumb to each finger with about 5 pounds of pressure.)
  • Coordinating your breath, the mantra of Sa Ta Na Ma, and touching your individual fingers with each step keeps your mind busy, and also activates the meridians that are associated with each finger.

2 – RELAX 3 minutes: relax the breath, and resume normal breathing, as you walk.  If you are walking with a partner, you may converse.

3 – Repeat step 1 (You can extend the time to 10 minutes if you wish).

4 – Repeat step 2. Walk  as long as you wish.

  • Scan your body and notice what changes (if any) have occurred.
  • How do you feel? Are you calmer? Are you revitalized?
  • Have your thoughts shifted?
  • Allow the energy to integrate through your body.

Source: Breathwalk by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, PhD., and Yogi Bhajan, PhD, Broadway Books, NY ©2000 by the Kundalini Research Institute

Miracle MInute 9 – How to See Beyond Illusions to MIRACLES!


Sign up in the box to the right (or underneath on your mobile device), to be sure you don’t miss out on any Miracle tips! You’ll get a free book to unlock your Joy, as well.


Have you ever seen an optical illusion where the image shifts as you change your focus?

This week’s Miracle Minute explains how you can move past the physical world to the realm of miracles.

Watch the video and let me know what you think by leaving a comment in the box below.
Do something wonderful for yourself today!

Schedule a FREE introductory consult with me to explore how you might be blocking miracles through past life events, ancestral patterns, beliefs, trapped emotions and more. Use the “Let’s Talk/Contact Us” app below to book your session today!

If you missed the other Miracle Minutes, watch them here
Love & Blessings,


Miracle Minute – How Gratitude Opens You to Miracles and More!

Miracle Minute – “How Gratitude Opens You to Miracles, Health and Wealth!”


Sign up in the box to the right (or underneath on your mobile device), to be sure you don’t miss out on any Miracle tips! You’ll get a free book to unlock your Joy, as well.



Did you know that there are miracles all around you that you’re just not seeing?

If you’re focused on what’s going wrong, you’re very likely to miss what’s going right! You might not even notice a miracle right under your nose!

This video shares an easy way to shift your focus…

Watch the video and let me know how this exercise works for you by leaving a comment in the box below.
Do something wonderful for yourself today!

Schedule a FREE introductory consult with me to explore how you might be blocking miracles through past life events, ancestral patterns, beliefs, trapped emotions and more. Use the “Let’s Talk/Contact Us” app below to book your session today!


If you missed the other Miracle Minutes, watch them here
Love & Blessings,


Miracle Minute – “Healing Mother’s Day!”

Miracle Minute – “A Special Healing Exercise For You and Your Mom!”


Sign up in the box to the right (or underneath on your mobile device), to be sure you don’t miss out on any Miracle tips! You’ll get a free book to unlock your Joy, as well.



The first time I held my baby daughter Shanna in my arms, my heart burst wide open. I didn’t know this kind of love existed!


The bond between a mother and child can be so magical, sweet and pure, BUT if your mom has passed away, or your relationship with her is rocky, Mother’s Day can be painful.


Believe it or not, difficult, painful relationships come from a place of love. They’re here to teach us forgiveness… of ourselves, our mom, our circumstances, AND to help us grow into our greatest selves!

As we forgive others and ourselves, we create space for miracles and healing.
Watch the video and let me know how this exercise worked for you by leaving a comment in the box below, and let me know if you have any questions.


Do something wonderful for yourself today!

Schedule a FREE introductory consult with me to explore how you might be blocking miracles through past life events, ancestral patterns, beliefs, trapped emotions and more. Use the “Let’s Talk/Contact Us” app below to book your session today! 


If you missed Miracle Minute #1 watch it here
If you missed Miracle Minute #2 watch it here
If you missed Miracle Minute #3 watch it here

If you missed Miracle Minute #4 watch it here

Love & Blessings,


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