What Causes Depression and Anxiety, and How Can We Solve Them?

In his new book, “Lost Connections,” award winning journalist Johann Hari tackles just that. In this week’s broadcast, “Energy Management to Ease Depression” we’ll explore how doctors identify depression in the US using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, written by a panel of psychiatrists. Ironically, almost everyone who is grieving matches the clinical criteria for depression in the manual. So the psychiatrists invented a loophole called “the grief exception”. They said that you are allowed to show the symptoms of depression and not be considered mentally ill in one circumstance only – if you have lost someone close. Originally, you could show these symptoms for a year before being classed as mentally ill. Over the years, however, the time limit was reduced, and now you only have a 2 week window to grieve the loss of a loved one before you are classified as clinically depressed! 

I’ve been working with highly sensitive, empathic professionals for a while now and I’ve noticed that EVERYONE seems to be dealing with loss on some level and that can create feelings of anxiety and depression. It can create physical symptoms and can really have a negative impact on all aspects of your life and can keep you stuck in a rut.

In my practice, I’ve noticed that some of the primary bars to happiness are “hidden losses”, events from the present or past you may not even be aware of. These losses can impact you more than you would imagine, affecting health, wealth, relationships and every aspect of life. 

Learn how Energy Management and your body wisdom can help you to be proactive about unhealed grief and other emotions. 

Old wounds, hurts and losses, past events, can prevent you from creating the life you desire, because their energy stays trapped in your energetic body until you release it. Yes, I know this may sound a bit woo-woo, but check it out for yourself! Take some time and tune into your body. It will always tell you the truth.

Your body loves you, and will always let you know when something isn’t right by a physical manifestation, so you can address it. Thus, the first indicators that you may be experiencing hidden loss can be physical. You may notice a clenching in your solar plexus, tension, aches, pains and ailments. It can be challenging to feel happy when your body is urgently and forcefully telling you something is wrong. There’s really no shortage of what can happen when your body is trying to communicate with you that something is off, or out of alignment. So take some time and tune in to what your body is telling you.

Are you sleeping too much (or too little)

Are your sleep patterns erratic?

Have you developed new aches and pains?

Have you lost your appetite (or gained weight)?

Have you developed heart palpitations, or an ache in your heart?

Has your blood pressure elevated or dropped?

Communication from your Emotional Guidance System is so important. Your emotions in their healthiest state are like clouds. They come and they go. When you haven’t addressed the emotional charge around an issue, the energy you hold in your body can create the physical indicators we just looked at. That is why it essential to free yourself of unreleased emotions. When you release them the liberated energy creates a state of happiness and joy.

If you find yourself stuck and your life isn’t working, if you find yourself repeating the same old patterns over and again… if you have a veil of sadness or guilt that doesn’t seem to go away. If you have difficulty sleeping. if you’re experiencing physical indicators such as higher or lower blood pressure, headaches, you’ve gained or lost weight… it may be hurts, losses or your reactions to past experiences that are the culprits.

If you wish to create more joy and happiness, look at what might be blocking it. Even if you believe that you have already addressed it, the energy from a past loss or event can still be in your energy field, keeping you stuck. This can include any feelings of hurt or loss, unhealed events or situations from your past, feeling like you’re a victim, or blaming others, all of which can trigger regret, pain, sadness, grief, numbness, which are the antitheses of joy.

Since hidden losses can be events that haven’t fully healed, it’s not unusual for people to think these events are no longer an issue if they believe they’ve already released them. When not completely healed, however, the emotions associated with these events can take a large toll on your quest for happiness.

The loss of a loved one or a relationship, a loss of income or job/career or a move that required relocation, causing changes in your environment and relationships, can be events that you may not have dealt with, and healed fully. Other losses can include physical disability or illness, empty nest, loss of your self-respect, personal power, self-esteem, youth or beauty. These common examples of hidden, emotional loss can affect you, and when not addressed, may impede your happiness.

Learn how you can use Energy Management to protect yourself from other people’s energies and emotions and be a beacon of love.

If you are an empath or highly empathic person, be sure to join my FaceBook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/miraclerockstars/

Be sure to like my FaceBook page, at https://www.facebook.com/MiracleMindsetwithMarBeth/ so you can get notifications of my upcoming broadcasts.

Please share the link to this page with anyone you think will benefit from this important and life-changing talk.

Click here to learn more about Energy Management for Empaths.



© 2018 MarBeth Dunn and Destination Empowerment, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Relaxation Made Easy!


Are you stressed? Stress has become such a common fixture in our modern life, that millions of people are experiencing its unfortunate side effects. Bodies communicate their distress about our schedules, conflicts, overload, and emotional junk by creating headaches, pains, high blood pressure, sleep issues, clenched muscles, and psychosomatic illnesses, to let us know that something is wrong. Stress is reflected in our shallow breathing, which, incidentally, is the most common form of breathing in our society. Since prana, or life force energy, is an intimate component of breath, most people are not receiving enough vital life energy to keep them operating at their best. So let’s BREATHE!

Here is a wonderful Kundalini yoga exercise I teach to release stress. It’s a walking, breathing meditation called Breathwalk. By combining walking, breath, and mantra, Breathwalk can energize you, calm your mind, expand your awareness, and enhance your mood, and add all kinds of health benefits.

1 – WALK For 5 Minutes:

  • Begin to walk, keeping your spine straight.
  • Inhale deeply to a count of 4, and exhale to a count of 4. Notice that your breath and your steps begin to fall into alignment.
  • Silently say to yourself the four universal sounds of Sa Ta Na Ma on both the inhale and the exhale.
  • As you repeat these silent sounds, move the fingers of both hands simultaneously, Sa – touching the thumb to index finger, Ta – thumb to middle finger, Na- thumb to ring finger and Ma – thumb to pinky. (Note: press the thumb to each finger with about 5 pounds of pressure.)
  • Coordinating your breath, the mantra of Sa Ta Na Ma, and touching your individual fingers with each step keeps your mind busy, and also activates the meridians that are associated with each finger.

2 – RELAX 3 minutes: relax the breath, and resume normal breathing, as you walk.  If you are walking with a partner, you may converse.

3 – Repeat step 1 (You can extend the time to 10 minutes if you wish).

4 – Repeat step 2. Walk  as long as you wish.

  • Scan your body and notice what changes (if any) have occurred.
  • How do you feel? Are you calmer? Are you revitalized?
  • Have your thoughts shifted?
  • Allow the energy to integrate through your body.

Source: Breathwalk by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, PhD., and Yogi Bhajan, PhD, Broadway Books, NY ©2000 by the Kundalini Research Institute

Using Fun to Create MIRACLES!


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Click on the image below to watch the video!

Child playing in swimming pool

Have you ever noticed that when you are having fun, life flows perfectly and when you’re trying too hard to make something happen, it doesn’t?

When you really NEED something to happen, you’re creating resistance

Watch the video and let me know what you think by leaving a comment in the box below.
Do something wonderful for yourself today!

Schedule a FREE introductory consult with me to explore how you might be blocking miracles through past life events, ancestral patterns, beliefs, trapped emotions and more. Use the “Let’s Talk/Contact Us” app below to book your session today!

If you missed the other Miracle Minutes, watch them here
Love & Blessings,


Miracle MInute 9 – How to See Beyond Illusions to MIRACLES!


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Have you ever seen an optical illusion where the image shifts as you change your focus?

This week’s Miracle Minute explains how you can move past the physical world to the realm of miracles.

Watch the video and let me know what you think by leaving a comment in the box below.
Do something wonderful for yourself today!

Schedule a FREE introductory consult with me to explore how you might be blocking miracles through past life events, ancestral patterns, beliefs, trapped emotions and more. Use the “Let’s Talk/Contact Us” app below to book your session today!

If you missed the other Miracle Minutes, watch them here
Love & Blessings,


Miracle Minute #8 “Right or Happy: It’s Your Choice!”


Sign up in the box to the right (or underneath on your mobile device), to be sure you don’t miss out on any Miracle tips! You’ll get a free book to unlock your Joy, as well.



Have you ever been so caught up in feeling righteous that you forgot you could choose otherwise?

A few nights ago I watched “Kill the Messenger”, a true story about Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gary Webb (portrayed by Jeremy Renner) whose life was destroyed after he discovered and broke the ugly story of CIA involvement in cocaine smuggling into US cities to pay for the guns in the Nicaraguan war. (more…)

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