This updated reprint of my old blog seems so apropo in these “interesting times”… There’s a Chinese proverb that says, “May you live in interesting times.” To say that there are plenty of people who are wishing the times weren’t quite so interesting is an understatement! “Interesting” is a term that for so many people means fear, and this saddens me, as fear prevents you from living your best life. Detaching from fear allows you to step into your “bigger self” into a place of love, and that’s going to benefit both you and other people. I’ve come up with a few ways you can stop the fear, start experiencing love and start living life from your “bigger self” perspective.
Tap into LOVE – Do you label fear as something bad? Fear is an indicator that you are not feeling love. Notice what you’re feeling without any judgment, and gently shift your focus to thoughts of love. What can you do to give unconditional love to someone else? What can you do to experience more love yourself? When you are in a place of love, fear doesn’t exist. You can tap into love whenever you have a loving thought, or a thought of appreciation. The more loving thoughts, the higher your vibration will be. Ask yourself, “How can I experience more love in my life?” and let the answers flow into your mind. Deliberately choose thoughts of love, gratitude and appreciation whenever possible.
Create a new story – Do you tell yourself the same old fear based stories out of habit? “I’m not good enough to do this,“This never turns out well,” and “I always get hurt” are common mantras that keep you steeped in fear and prevent you from moving forward. Ask yourself, “What if it’s not true? What if I could simply change my thoughts to create a different outcome? How would I like it to look?” You’ve programmed yourself to believe the old story based on fear, and it’s keeping you small and contracted. You are a powerful being, with the ability to choose a new story with a different outcome. Tac, kle the old beliefs one by one and recreate your life.
Focus on the positive – Fear is a thought pattern that arises from feeling lack. Lack of power, lack of self esteem, and lack of self worth often engender a fear of being exposed to others. Get quiet, breathe deeply, and imagine yourself expanding in size until you are bigger than the universe. From this larger perspective, imagine you are filled with a pure, golden light of pure love, and that you feel good about yourself. Make a list of 10 positive things that you appreciate about yourself. Keep the list handy and read it often.
Fear keeps you vibrating at a very low level. Let your intention always be to keep as high a vibration as possible. Remember, when you’re vibrating at a higher level, magic starts to happen. Letting go of fear is one of the best things you can do for yourself and the world because your bigger self steps up, and you become the light you were born to be. In the absence of fear and in the presence of your bigger self, you’ll find empowerment and the courage to follow your intuition. This means you’re now living the authentic life you’re here to live. By being your highest, most loving self, other people will be influenced to live more authentically. Release judgment, tap into love, create a new story and shift your perspective, so nothing will stop you from stepping out in a big way. Your world is waiting!
It’s a busy time of year filled with love and joy for most people. It that is not you, and you are alone or sad, please know that there are things you can do to feel better. One of the best ways is to reach out and be of service to others through volunteering.
You can also check out my TheHavingItAllShow podcast, where my guests and I share ways to help you feel better and even thrive. My most recent guest, Talking With Giants TV Host, Scott Schilling, shares the story of his miraculous healing from a cerebellar stroke.
And now for your gift! I am so thrilled to share with you an amazing tool I made especially for you. It is a very special audio for you to play while you sleep. It will gently penetrate your subconscious, creating a wonderful new you, complete with the gifts of health, health and happiness. In addition to the words and the background music (provided by, I’ve infused the audio with loving, healing energy for added benefit. Give it some time and let me know how it works for you! You can access “My Gift to You” here:
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Have you ever noticed that when you are having fun, life flows perfectly and when you’re trying too hard to make something happen, it doesn’t?
When you really NEED something to happen, you’re creating resistance
Watch the video and let me know what you think by leaving a comment in the box below.
Do something wonderful for yourself today!
Schedule a FREE introductory consult with me to explore how you might be blocking miracles through past life events, ancestral patterns, beliefs, trapped emotions and more. Use the “Let’s Talk/Contact Us” app below to book your session today!
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Have you ever seen an optical illusion where the image shifts as you change your focus?
This week’s Miracle Minute explains how you can move past the physical world to the realm of miracles.
Watch the video and let me know what you think by leaving a comment in the box below.
Do something wonderful for yourself today!
Schedule a FREE introductory consult with me to explore how you might be blocking miracles through past life events, ancestral patterns, beliefs, trapped emotions and more. Use the “Let’s Talk/Contact Us” app below to book your session today!
Sign up in the box to the right (or underneath on your mobile device), to be sure you don’t miss out on any Miracle tips! You’ll get a free book to unlock your Joy, as well.
Have you ever been so caught up in feeling righteous that you forgot you could choose otherwise?
A few nights ago I watched “Kill the Messenger”, a true story about Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gary Webb (portrayed by Jeremy Renner) whose life was destroyed after he discovered and broke the ugly story of CIA involvement in cocaine smuggling into US cities to pay for the guns in the Nicaraguan war. (more…)