Dianne Bischoff JamesWhat if you were successful, but living the wrong life, with the wrong man and in the wrong profession? What if all the trappings of your success made you feel trapped in a lie?

Join me ‘Behind the Curtain’ this Wednesday, May 28th, 4:30 pm Eastern as Dianne Bischoff James, the author of The Real Brass Ring, shares with us her story of midlife reinvention, how she became a successful actor, entrepreneur and authentic, aligned woman.


May 28th, 4:30 pm Eastern –

Dianne Bischoff James is an actor, author and entrepreneur who helps others recognize and connect with their own personal power and potential. Through her own reinvention, she transformed from depressed to happy, size eighteen to size six, a physical weakling to a yogi, a corporate slave to a creative entrepreneur and author.

To hear Dianne LIVE and ask questions, sign up today for your exclusive ‘Behind the Curtain’ experience at


You will receive notification of ALL my upcoming ‘Behind the Curtain’ LIVE calls including powerful thought leaders and authors such as:

May 28 – Dianne Bischoff James Author, speaker, actor. At 40 Dianne reinvented herself, transforming herself from a fat, unhappy, but successful, woman into the authentic, happy woman she is today.

June 2 – Morgana Rae international wealth coach, who will show you how to turn your personal Money Monster of scarcity into a Money Honey of abundance.

June 24 – Dr. Joe Dispenza, Neuroscientist, lecturer, & best-selling author of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. Featured scientist in the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!

and more…

Sign up today for your exclusive ‘Behind Curtain’ experience at


You will also receive a free gift… my the ebook, ‘7 Strategies For Having It ALL!’

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