Jennifer Maldonado had just begun working at her new job and had not yet received a paycheck when she was asked to contribute $20 the office Powerball Lotto pool.  She declined. As a single mom with an autistic son, cash was tight.

Jennifer’s twelve co-workers won $1,000,000.00, and they shared their winnings with her.

When asked their readers whether they would do the same in similar circumstances, 41% said, “no;” 41% said it would depend on the circumstances. Only 18 % said it would be the right thing to do.

“We are hoping that the 18 percent shifts more to about 80 percent when they see how good it feels to give and to include someone, and the small gift that you can do for another, it changes everything,’’ said Laurie Finkelstein Reader, the office worker who organized the pool.

“I honestly believe that my group and I are getting more joy than Jennifer is getting just by including her.’’

Did you know that it’s a Universal Law that giving and receiving are the same?  What you share with another, you are in essence giving to yourself!  Conversely it is equally important to receive… and we’ll talk about that in another post!

What will you share today?

© 2013 – MarBeth Dunn – all rights reserved

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