What: MarBeth Dunn, The Joy Strategist, interviews Harrison Klein, Transformational Luminary
Where: http://bit.ly/x5eqXP
When: Sunday 9 PM EST (6 PM PST)
Are you stuck? Do you feel regret or sadness over past hurts or losses?
Join me on my new Joy Strategies Radio show to learn some simple ways to create a joy filled life. Click Here Sunday evening to listen to my premiere broadcast of Joy Strategies with my special guest, world famous Transformational luminary, Harrison Klein!
The very hurts and losses you’ve been carrying with you can open the door to a new and empowered you. When you are willing to see them through new eyes, things will start to shift. You will begin to release the blocks to the awareness of Love and Joy.
Are you are ready to move forward and re-ignite your beautiful spark? Join me Sunday night to learn the tools and formulas to move you forward quickly, easily, comfortably and painlessly to joy and fulfillment!
Harrison will show how to:
- Harness conscious and subconscious programming to powerfully create from the Quantum Field
- How to instantly connect to the Unified Field of the Universe to radically change your life right now.
- Discover who you are and what you are meant to do on this planet
- Expand and contract time at will
- Create a new blueprint for your life
- Open up your vibrational system
- Neutralize unwanted bodily conditions
- End self-sabotage, sharpen logic, and make better decisions
- Dissolve stress and quicken your mind
- And more!
Harrison Klein is a sought-after speaker, coach and “Underground Master” who has been called “The World’s Leading Transformational Luminary.” He’s the owner of The Masters Gathering, Women Power and Purpose, True Millionaire Stories, 100MX3 and ProAbundance LLC ─ five Internet companies specializing in transformation and awakening processes, and he’s the principal partner of IAMGroup, LLC. A developer of popular products on the leading edge of the spiritual, metaphysical and coaching industry, he speaks at and produces events for many personal growth, wealth and development companies and communities.
A teacher, marketing director and entrepreneur since 1992, Harrison has developed multiple applications and teaching techniques designed to stimulate intellectual and cellular integration, internalization and transcendence. He comes from a traditional background of labor-intensive jobs, including teaching at the local university and coaching others to achieve their personal and professional goals. His unique ability to help others is drawn from his own experience with pain, depression, spiritual confusion and mental illness. That journey led him to the rapid discovery of real and practical tools that elevated him to a new level of personal fulfillment and success. Today he dedicates his life to spreading the message of continuous unfoldment of unconditional love through consciousness elevation, and he lives that purpose wholly.
What people are saying about Harrison Klein…
“Your coaching around the Universal Laws and how and why they work forever changed our lives. We increased our home income by 80%!! Thank you so much.” ─ Katie and Eric Teag
“I followed your 60-day Quantum Leap formula and I kid you not: We applied for three more houses and received approval on all three of them within 48 hours of joining you! The house we chose had four other applicants fighting for it and they miraculously gave it to us! It’s a $1.3 million home, and we didn’t pay even close to that much.” ─ Matthew M.
“I don’t quite understand how it’s happening, but since we started our coaching sessions 25 days ago, I’ve lost an average of 1.5 lbs every two days! I didn’t even diet or exercise. The only thing I’ve done differently is our coaching sessions. This is a new life for me. I am so grateful I found you!”
─ Jeanne Morin