Have you noticed over the last few years more people seeking their purpose, or a deeper meaning in their lives? As someone who lives by, and teaches on a platform of “connecting with your heart”, I personally want to jump up and down and shout, “Hooray! It’s about time!” The single best thing you can do to live a life of authenticity and joy, is to live by your heart and make decisions on a soul level. You instinctively and intuitively know what you need to be happy and fulfilled. Additionally, your soul knows the gifts and talents you have that only you can provide as a blessing to others. So let’s get started with some strategies that will allow you to hear your soul speak and get you living in joy.
Get real – All the changes that have taken place in the world in the last several years have caused people to wonder who they really are. If you don’t have the job, the status, the money or the position, who exactly are you? It’s so easy, especially in Western society, to identify ourselves by our outside accomplishments, and never pay attention to who are on the inside. Is this you? Are you wondering, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” (although you’re already grown up) or realizing that you have new ideas about what’s important in life? This is the shift that’s going on and what you’re experiencing is your soul’s plea to pay attention and listen to what your spirit already knows and is trying to tell you: there’s a real you in there that wants to come out and that will lead you to the life you’ve always wanted to live.
Get quiet – Your soul is always trying to speak to you; it’s just so challenging with the to-do lists, appointments and ever present technology to hear it. Getting into your heart space is key to living a life that makes your soul sing, so find a way to get quiet enough to hear your inner wisdom. Meditation is a great way to connect with your soul and people who meditate regularly have a better sense of inner guidance and are able to make decisions aligned with their core beliefs and values more quickly and easily. That’s when you’ll find that you are living a life that constantly moves in the direction of your most authentic self-expression. When you are authentically expressing who you are, not just in words but in experiences, you will know deep joy.
Get vibrating (on a higher level) – when you vibrate at a higher level, not only is life easier and things seem to conspire in your favor, you also ask better questions, which gets you better answers. You’re at your most powerful when you’re connected to Source and a higher vibration provides that. Gratitude, forgiveness, releasing hurt and anxiety all help you attain a state of appreciation, which raises your vibration level and that makes it easier to hear what your soul has to say. Simple acts such as dancing or spending time in nature also increase your vibration. Once you are vibrating at a higher level, it’s easier to ask the deep questions and get the answers you’re looking for.
Soulful living creates harmony, not just for your life but in the lives of others. When you know your soul’s desires, you’ll better understand how to engage with the world around you, generating move love, peace and harmony in your life and in others. Start some soulful living today!
© 2012 MarBeth Dunn all rights reserved