How well do you think you know yourself?
Do you really know what you want and what you don’t?
Do you know what your core values are and what’s really important to you?
If you don’t, you may find people taking advantage of you, because your boundaries are hazy or nonexistent.
You see, you set the rules for yourself. If you’re unclear about what you want and what you don’t, how can other people know how to respond to you.
Setting boundaries can be a challenging at any given moment but it really gets tricky when you don’t know what your personal boundaries are.
Say for example, you haven’t allowed yourself to feel your emotions like anger or guilt when an incident evokes them.
If you repress your feelings, how can you know how deeply a similar situation could affect you?
Then the next time something similar occurs, you may allow it, only to regret it after, simply because you didn’t recognize the need to draw a boundary.
The rule is: If something doesn’t feel good to you, set a boundary. Ask the person to stop what they’re doing, or simply walk away from the situation, yourself.
So tune into your feelings. Recognize what feels good and what doesn’t, and take control.
Knowing when to set boundaries will give you the courage to set them. You’ll be happier, and in the flow.
© 2013 – MarBeth Dunn & Destination Empowerment, Inc. all rights reserved.