I love new experiences! They take you out of the ordinary and offer you the opportunity to see life with a new perspective. My beautiful, almost two years old granddaughter is visiting this week. Seeing through her eyes gives me a fresh look at the ordinary, every day things I take for granted.
We’re now officially into the new year. It’s time to release the former year and commit to seeing last years challenges in a different light. Thinking of them as data, without any emotional attachment or judgment is one of the fastest ways to create a different outcome.
How do you shift to a new perspective? Start with turning your “I can’t” statements into open ended questions that offer more opportunities. For example, instead of saying, “I need more clients” (a factual statement), ask yourself, “What else can I do with my existing resources to get more clients?” This slight shift in both thought and rephrasing can open your awareness to new possibility you hadn’t considered.
Seeing things from a different vantage point helps you shift focus away from your challenges into the realm of new possibilities. Take the plunge and go for the shift!
© 2014 MarBeth Dunn and Destination Empowerment, Inc. all rights reserved.