By Patricia Cori
In this amazing time, the Great Shift of Ages, we are whirling in an unfathomable race that has us tethered to the space time continuum, bouncing between the technological revolution and the spiritual awakening of growing numbers of human beings.
At the center of this volley of experience lies the foremost question of our evolving DNA. We are being given the secret, sacred wisdom that regards the original blueprint of homo sapiens, that, according to the information I have been privileged to bring through from spirit, was a twelve stranded, light bodied Christed consciousness, a race designed by beings beyond – to be nested here in the garden of the Earth, Gaia, and left to flourish.
So much has interfered with that perfected state of being that modern man has been reduced to a polarized, two-stranded helix of DNA, where the nature of duality, that struggle of darkness and light playing out in earth’s fields, is coded right into the intelligent blueprint of our being. Meanwhile, scientists estimate that about 92% of our original DNA is strewn about within our molecular structure – they continue to refer to this wealth of information as “junk DNA.” There is nothing within us that is junk … no divine error. Everything serves. However, these pieces of architectural information – our very blueprint – are scattered and disassembled within us. But it is all there, waiting to be pieced back together, like an intricate jigsaw puzzle that reconnects us to our star family, heals the morphogenetic field, and rewires the entire being, in preparation for the ascension process.
That is the potential that awaits us all and is available to those of us who wish to accelerate the process. Many people today are suffering from feelings of not belonging to this planet and longing to return to a place they sense, but cannot necessarily remember. And as the planet struggles in the clutches of forces that would prefer to drag us into the shadow, the time to remember that light source and our mission is now. We are ascending the spiral of light, climbing higher, intent on raising the flame of our passion and compassion for the entire planet, lightworkers of the age.
DNA is woven through us just as it woven through the multiverse – this is the divine coil of all intelligence, conscious creation. Activation of that dormant information aligns us with our soul’s purpose and helps us remember our mission in this density, as we awaken to the multidimensional reality of existence. When we recreate the crystalline grids of sacred geometry within, we release fear and separation, reconnect to our star nations, and potentially clear the way to the achievement of Christed awareness in body. Replacing the damaged structures and destructive mental constructs held in the memory of the cellular body with the cosmic patterns and sacred geometrical grids of enlightened awareness, we accelerate the process of ascending the spiral of light.
Now is the time to remember who we really are, and what we came to achieve on this Earth. Now is the time – and we are the ones we have been waiting for. Be empowered! Know that everything you need is within you, waiting to be discovered.
Meet Patricia Cori in Miami at her Ascending The Spiral of Light workshop May 24th & 25th.
Register here: