Hispanic Woman with FriendsIf you are lucky enough to have people in your life that love, support and cherish you, make sure to celebrate them!

A kind word of appreciation, a hug or even a special gift will make the special people in your life know that they are special.

Celebrating the people in your life will also help you to celebrate yourself.  After all, it takes an extraordinary person to draw other extraordinary people to them.

There are plenty of ways to celebrate the people in your life and two things that you can always do is let them know how much you love having them in your life and create spaces of sacred time to spend with them.

Something as simple as having a cup of coffee or going for a walk lets someone know you value their time and friendship.  You can also skip the virtual world, pick up the phone and tell them how much they mean to you.

When the people in your life bring you joy, make sure to give them some of that joy back.  Every day should really be celebrations so don’t be afraid to kick up your heels and do a little “partying”.


© 2013 MarBeth Dunn – all rights reserved


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