On the road in India, I send Holiday blessings to you and yours. We’ve traveled streets teeming with motorized vehicles of all shapes and sizes weaving chaotically in a fluid dance. Women in colorful saris walk gracefully or balance delicately on the back of motorcycles, and intermittent cattle, camels, sheep and pigs wander casually through the traffic. India is a rich sensory experience with her hot, spicy food, brilliant colors and fascinating people. I will write more about the powerful lessons I learned from the love and generosity of the Indian people in another blog.
I came here to attend the 5th annual World United Congress in Hyderabad led by my friend, Dr. Yugandhar, a brilliant visionary with a powerful message of unity for humanity… I am deeply touched and inspired by his vision of scientists, spiritual leaders, doctors, economists, environmentalists, educators and others working together for the betterment of the world, from a place of connectedness and consciousness, coordinating their efforts, and creating Enlightened Alliances.
I asked Dr. Yugandhar to speak about his work with transformation, which he describes as ‘changing the psychological and the emotional software’. As a general surgeon, a Spiritual Teacher and a pioneer in Transformational Medicine, he has developed a wholistic approach to healing that includes a powerful meditation technique focusing on the Hara in the abdomen. He divides medicine into four categories. The first is the conventional system, which includes surgery and allopathic medicine. the vibrational system with alternative therapies such as homeopathy and ayerveda, the third is therapeutic touch medicine, such as pranic healing, shiatsu, and reiki and the massage systems, the fourth is the system of transformational medicine, which includes meditation, past life therapy, rebirthing, human growth techniques, the awakening of “hara” consciousness, counseling and breath work.
In this video, Dr. Yugandhar shares with us his technique of abdominal breathing, which he calls hara breathing. I had initially thought this breath focused on the second chakra. It does not. Rather the focus is on the lower abdominal area, about 2 inches below the navel, which we refer to in Kundalini yoga as the navel point. As he points out, this is a natural breath for children, animals and yogis. When people are anxious, they breathe shallow breaths in their upper chest. The Hara breath calms the mind, releases stress, and expands awareness.
Dr. Yugandhar invites you to please join us at the 1st WORLD PARLIAMENT ON SPIRITUALITY scheduled on 17-21 Dec 2012. Visit: http://www.facebook.com/events/251273511600754/
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