Private Coaching

Attention: Wealth Seekers Who Want More!


“What If I Could Reveal to You a Guaranteed System that will Unlock Your Wealth Gene, Catapult Your Results, and Create a Life of Fulfilling Relationships, Successful Career and a Purpose Filled Life
Would You Want it?”

mbfb-revFrom: MarBeth Dunn

The Joy to Abundance Strategist

Subject: Manifesting without the Mess

Dear Friend,


Are you looking…

  • for a life filled with MIRACLES, where WEALTH occurs easily, without effort or drama?
  • for a lasting solution to live up to your FULL POTENTIAL?
  • for a way to break free from the holding patterns preventing you from accomplishing what you want?
  • for a time when you are ready to play a bigger game and experience true wealth?



My name is MarBeth Dunn, and I’ve been a Spiritual Teacher for over 30 years. As an Empath and Intuitive, I feel other people’s energy in MY body, and use this powerful gift to help you break free of the issues keeping you stuck in unproductive patterns. I have mastered many energy healing techniques and modalities, including Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Quantum Touch, Emotional Freedom Technique, and I am a Kundalini Yoga instructor. Over the years, I have coached and mentored many hundreds of people including attorneys, judges, entrepreneurs, holistic practitioners, entertainers, authors, musicians, marketing and branding experts and even a helicopter pilot.


MarBeth sketching in a Haitian marketplace

But my life has not always been clear and happy. Thirty years ago I was a painter in Haiti, trapped in a difficult marriage, with extreme asthma and very little self-respect. In fact I felt utterly powerless, desperate, and deeply depressed.

Did you ever wake up one day and wonder what had happened to your life?    Where had you gone? And why all your dreams were smashed and broken?


Well, that’s where I was. Life had crashed down around me and I felt suffocated and lost.

I searched desperately for a way out, reading anything I could get my hands on that could help me. Some of it did help, but by focusing on what was wrong with me, I stirred up my asthma even more. Then one day I realized that by changing my thoughts and my perceptions, the world around me could change as well. That realization was the key I’d been looking for!

Gradually everything changed for the better.


At that time, all the elements necessary for me to access the SOURCE ZONE, (where miracles occur regularly) fell into place! I became peaceful. All my needs were met. I had discovered the the cornerstones of my Spiritual Wealth Activation System. The key elements to living in MIRACLES, in WEALTH, and PEACE.

When I needed a car, it manifested, an even better one than I could have imagined. When I needed money, It showed up. Even my relationship with my husband transformed and I felt powerful, peaceful and happy, a harmony that lasted for several years. But I still had issues that needed clearing.

I Invested in Myself and Did All The Hard Work

In 2004, my husband and I divorced, and I threw myself into Personal Growth training and strategies, Empowerment methods, and Energy Healing techniques and modalities. I invested many, many thousands of dollars, and thousands of hours to learn what I needed to know to clear myself of issues, unproductive patterns and blockages that were keeping me stuck. By 2009, I was happy. I had an energy healing practice, a beautiful home on the ocean, and the love of a wonderful man.

But then, disaster struck. On Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart died suddenly of a massive coronary. I was beyond devastated. How could this have happened? 

My happy dream crashed and I was surrounded by the heartbreak emotions of pain, grief, guilt, and sadness. It was almost too much to bear!

I Realized I Had a Choice…

I realized I had a choice. It would have been so easy to curl up in a ball of grief. No one would have blamed me… Or I could use the tools I had mastered to release the heartbreak and emotions and move forward.

I chose to move forward. It was not easy. There were days when I was unable to do more than veg on the couch watching TV. But I didn’t look at the overwhelming enormity of my task. As I felt each emotion, I released it, one by one. It wasn’t long before I had released all the powerful heartbreak emotions and I finally felt good again.

That’s when I thought of all the people in the world suffering from pain, grief, guilt, shame. I realized with excitement, that my purpose was to help them move forward, releasing their painful emotions, and replacing their pain with joy.

Doesn’t it Make Sense for You to Take a Short Cut if There is One?

You Really Don’t Want to Do The Work
The Hard, Expensive Way, Do You?


coachI have been so fortunate to work with amazing clients over the years, both privately and in group programs and I know that inevitably, the people who are most determined to create serious change in their lives, always come to me for private coaching.

So what does that mean to you?

It means simply this, that I know how to help my clients who are super serious about manifesting what they most desire and when you walk the same path as I did, and use my proven system to create your own amazing results, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

That’s why I’m now offering private, one on one Laser Focused Coaching sessions so that you can really see how easy it will be to shift into your grander place…

If you’re ready to.

  1. Turn things around so you can live as bold as you dare to dream.
  2. Get on the fast track to attract what you really want.
  3. Commit to doing your part, so you can rocket your way to success…
  4. Turbo Charge your path to joy and abundance, so you can finally live your dream life.

There’s a reason you want to take the road less traveled and move more quickly than the average person.

Just IMAGINE being able to retire all your old stories and create new ones about feeling free, exhilarated,  and delighted for each new day in your life and  your business…

Imagine your life flowing easier, with much more freedom, money rolling in and you are joyful, joyful, joyful!

Finally fast track your way to getting what you want with

Laser Focused Private Coaching Sessions with MarBeth

In fact, if you enroll in my Private Coaching Sessions right now, you could be enjoying the results TODAY.

Results such as….

  • Living life with passion as you access your joy and abundance quickly and easily
  • Manifesting what you want because you’ll be vibrating at a higher level
  • Experiencing peace in all that you do because your heart will be at ease
  • Creating a life that you love by releasing your “stuff” faster (it’s easier for someone else to see what’s going on and what you need)
  • Confidently make decisions because you now choose from joy instead  of fear
  • Attracting and maintaining better and happier relationships by learning how to let go of the past


Here’s What People Are Saying About MarBeth…

Here Are Some Questions You Might Have

If you and I were just talking, you might have some questions about whether Private Coaching Sessions will really work for you. Since we’re not sitting face to face, let me answer a few commonly asked questions…

Are private coaching sessions better than taking a group class?

It’s not a matter of being “better”, it’s what is going to get you where you want to be as quickly as possible. Many of my clients discover that participating in a group program and then enhancing that experience with private coaching allows them to move at an accelerated pace so they start seeing results faster. Other clients find that private coaching sessions alone deliver a level of focus and intensity that they prefer. Either way, private coaching is a great way to speed up the success process.

Isn’t private coaching really expensive? I’ve always heard that.

Not at all! Imagine being totally FREE of the issues that have plagued you, keeping you stuck in a holding pattern. And imagine attracting love, money, and virtually everything you desire. What is that worth to you? Private coaching delivers an incredible value for the results that you’ll get.

My Issues seem overwhelming and I’m concerned it will take too many sessions to start seeing any progress.

This is exactly WHY you would be perfect for private coaching sessions. Working with me intimately will give us the opportunity to get straight to the root of what’s been holding you back and spend focused time there. You would be amazed at the transformation that can take place with just a few sessions.

Those are great questions, and in fact I can understand that you might still be hesitant about whether this is a good choice for you. So let me help you right now. So that you have nothing to risk, nothing to lose, and to prove to you that jumping in today with both feet is safe, and the best gift you could give yourself, here is ….

My Iron-Clad Guarantee

It is 100% RISK FREE!

Congratulations. You are only one step away from learning how to get the foundation you need to make money from every idea that inspires you.

You will get PRICE LOCK IN…

Even if my fee increases, your rate will always remain at the rate you joined at!

But Don’t Just Take My Word For It…

Check out what these recent members have to say about (product)…

Here’s What To Do Now!

Imagine what would happen if you could finally get clear on what is holding you back and how to overcome those obstacles in a way that felt fresh and easy.

Not someday, not next week, not next month, but got the full benefits today.

The sooner you enroll in Private Coaching sessions with me, the sooner you can make it happen.


Yes! I want to finally get (benefit) using your proven blueprint that anyone can follow. I understand I will be given…


  • Six 60 minute or twelve 30 minute sessions with me personally
  • Recordings of all sessions so you listen to them whenever you want to really let your breakthroughs sink in
  • Ongoing email support for the duration of your coaching time Value $997.00
  • Exclusive worksheets, audio and/or visual training available on your special webpage
  • 3 Bonus Mini- Laser sessions with MarBeth. Value $375.00
  • Bonus “Accelerated Abundance” audio program from MarBeth. 5 downloadable MP3 audios designed to jumpstart our process. Value $497.00
  • Private Online Community
  • 2 Bonus Follow-up Success Anchoring Calls. Value $250.00
  • Bonus 31 day Anchor Your Success daily audios to solidify your new reality. Value $97.00
  • Custom created by MarBeth, energy infused custom semi-precious gemstone amulet, infused with special healing energy to facilitate your transformation. Value $250.00
  • Custom created MarBeth Healing Meditation MP3 specific for you. Value $99.00
  • 2 Best Selling books MarBeth contributed to, Conversations that Make A Difference and Start Right Marketing. Combined Value $35.00

Plus You’ll Get My Guarantee to Under Promise and Over Deliver!

Total Value – $5,817.00

The longer you wait to get started, the longer you have to wait for your hopes and dreams to start showing up and living the life you truly want to have.

Let’s get you going right now.

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