New Beginnings Course Beginning September 18, 2012

Welcome to New Beginnings!


Prework for Class #1

New Beginings lesson #1

New Beginnings lesson #2


Bonus Pre-Class September 18, 2012


The Causes

The_Power_of_Joy_Workbook (through “My Dream Life”)



Week #1 September 26, 2012

New Beginnings Class 1


Meditation for a Calm Heart:

Click Here to access the Power of Joy home study program

Power of Joy Module #1:  Forgiveness

Forgiveness Part 1 – Your Immense Self

The_Power_of_Joy_Workbook  Part I (through “My Dream Life”)

New_Beginning Call 1 – September 26


Week #2 October 1st

Forgiveness Part 2 – Healing the Past



New Beginnings Call #2 – October 1


Week #3 October 16th

Limiting Beliefs – Your Perceptual Lenses


Module 2 Audio Files

#1 – Your Perceptual Lenses

#2 – Clearing those Pesky Limiting Beliefs

#3 – Creating Your Joy

The Power of Joy Workbook   Pages 10 through 15


Week #4 October 23rd


#4 – It’s Not Your Stuff

#5 – Releasing Energy Baggage

#6 – Clear Your Space

The Power of Joy Workbook   Pages 16 through 18

Alex Gray Paintings:

Psychic Energy System


Week #5 October 30th

New Beginnings Recording Class 5



The Chakra diagram

Understanding the Chakras

Chakra breathing


Week #6 November 5th

New Beginnings Class 6 Recording

New Beginnings Class 6


Week #7 November 13th New Bonus Call!

New Beginnings Class 7 Recording

New Beginnings Class 7


Power of Joy Module #1 Forgiveness part 1 (Getting Big!)

Create Your Day

Your Higher Purpose

Spend time meditating on your BIG VISION… stay focused!!

Release any limiting beliefs as they come up

Expanding your Awareness remember to do this exercise with people who play it BIG!!

Week #8 November 20th

New Beginnings Class 8 Recording


Vision Board


The Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo chant

12 Universal Laws

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