New Beginnings Program Course Files June 5th – August 7th

Prework for Class #1

New Beginings lesson #1

New Beginnings lesson #2


Week #1 June 5th

New Beginnings Class 1 recording.6.5.12


1. Meditation for a calm heart practice 3 minutes per day! -click on the link below
2. Make a list of everything you would like to accomplish in this class
3. Practice the “getting big” exercise daily (on recording for NB Class 1. 6.5.12)

 Meditation for a Calm Heart


Week #2 June 12th

New Beginings Class 2 recording 6.12.12

Homework for next week:

Your Perceptual Lenses


Creating your joy


Week #3 June 19th

New Beginings Class recording 3 6.19.12

Homework for next week:

 It’s Not Your Stuff


Breath of Fire


Week #4 June 26th

New Beginnings Class 4 6.26.12


Week #5 July 3rd

New_Beginnings 5_7.2.12

If you can’t open this audio link, paste this link into your browser:

The Chakra diagram

Chakra breathing


Week #6 July 10th

New_Beginnings_class6 recording

Expanding your Awareness exercise


Week #7 August 7th

New Beginnings Class7 recording 8_7_12

Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo chant for manifestation

Reality Creation


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