What if someone could communicate with your deepest being so you can FINALLY access the SUCCESS and ABUNDANCE that’s been beyond your grasp?
- If you are ready to step things up…
- If you ready to live your full potential…
If you are ready to finally release the holding pattern that’s been keeping you STUCK…
Here’s EXACTLY what you have been looking for!
Special Today ONLY $97
Special Today ONLY $97 (TOTAL VALUE $647)
Quickly Get Rid Of The “Baggage” And Fill Yourself With Pure Bliss!
One of the reasons my private clients bond with me so well is because I’ve been there. I understand the hurt and torment you’re going through. The sense of impending doom and the weight on your shoulders due to the baggage you’ve been unwillingly carrying through life.
When you begin to work with me, you’ll actually feel your negative emotions leaving your body as positive, pure love energy fills you as easily and naturally as water filling a glass.
You’ll learn how to move through your “stuff” easily and remove the veils of hurt and pain you’ve been burdened with.
And what happens when the negative emotional baggage is removed?
As joy begins to fill you, you’ll quickly see how you…
- Step out of victimhood and into a place of self-responsibility – Living life this way is the ultimate freedom.
- Become a co-creator of Abundance and Success in your life – Abundance follows orders. As you begin to learn intention you can begin to “order” abundance and success to attract to you like a powerful magnet.
- Align with Source to become your true, perfect self – At the core, we are all perfect in every way. As you begin to go through the exercises you’ll become closer to “source” (which has many different names) and see how perfect you truly are.
- Powerful shift in perceptions and perspectives – One of the most profound experiences my students go through is a shift in the way they think. What they used to be “addicted to” (such as drama), suddenly becomes unbearable. Opportunities for abundance become to come out of nowhere. Chances to increase joy show up unexpectedly. It’s almost as if you’ve started life over with a clean slate!
- Experience an easy flow of energy in relationships, abundance career and in time as you enjoy greater authenticity, appreciation, balance, inner guidance, health, love, positive self image, trust, wealth, grace, joy and self esteem.
Remember, at our core we are ALL happy. Have you ever seen the smile of a young child? If you have, you know that that smile is pure joy. That’s the type of joy you can experience too once you release the baggage.
But joy isn’t all you’ll notice shifting in your life. Releasing your negative baggage and filling yourself with pure joy and love will send waves of paradigm shifts to occur through your entire life. You can typically expect to experience…
- Making healthier choices automatically…
- Money flowing in abundance, many times without effort…
- Higher consciousness levels
- Confidence to soar through the roof
- Looking and feeling sexier and more attractive
- Less mental conflicts and anguish in everyday activities
- Feeling the sense of “lightness” in how you feel
- Being satisfied and completely happy with your life (even when things go wrong)
- Radiating a sense of instant friendliness and persuasion to others
- … and so much more!
My clients come to me for a variety of reasons.
Mostly, they want me to help them get over losses in their life or other negative life events which are holding them back from their true magnificent selves, such as…
Getting over the loss of a loved one
Clearing unwanted negative energy
Freeing them from childhood belief systems causing them damage as an adult
Unlocking them from the burdens of childhood abuse
Dozens of other “hidden losses” such as not living up to your parents standards, not being able to say goodbye to someone before they passed away, gaining weight as you age, and many others!
These losses in your life build up, one by one.
Uncovering and HEALING the damage caused by these hidden losses in your life is the missing link to true, lasting joy and happiness in your life.
At first they might not seem like they’re harming you. However as they build up, they form a cumulative effect and begin to show negative side effects in your life.
Side effects such as mood swings, weight gain, nervousness, anxiety, stress, depression, or simply not feeling satisfied with your life.
Throughout my career, I’ve been showing people how to unblock the negative energy and emotions causing them grief… sadness… victim mentality… and the sense of too much weight on your shoulders… and replace them with emotions of joy, bliss and love.
About MarBeth..
Known as the Miracle Mama and the TV Happiness Coach, MarBeth Dunn has a huge mission; to bring happiness and miracles to millions.
As an Empath (think Body Whisperer) and Intuitive, MarBeth can accurately pinpoint the issues preventing you from living the possibility filled life you richly deserve. She has developed a powerful system to facilitate miracles, empowering you to release your resistance to success quickly and easily. MarBeth can teach you to effectively develop your empathic and extra-sensory abilities, your Body Wisdom, and use the Quantum Field and the Laws of the Universe to create the new realities you desire.
MarBeth is a miracles consultant, best selling author, host of Having it All Radio, and international speaker.
Her inspiring work has been featured on several television networks, including FOX, NBC, CBS, and WEYW 19, Key West, where she is a frequent guest.
Here’s What People Are Saying About MarBeth…
“MarBeth, thank you for all your support and loving kindness during the program. I have come along way since the first day we spoke. My anxiety of many years is almost non existent-that is huge! I am using the tools you shared and re listening to all of our recorded calls to gain deeper insights. There is so much content that is truly valuable to me and what a gift to have access to it. I am sending you a big hug and the highest recommendation for your program. Please share my contact information with anyone who may be on the fence about signing up.”
~Love to you, Linda
“MarBeth lovingly and skillfully navigated me thru issues which were blocking me from living a joy filled authentic life. Each session brought healing and a shift in my energy. I felt totally safe and without doubt knew MarBeth was there to guide, protect, and encourage me thru the process.
MarBeth is a remarkable empath, and a profound teacher who gently helped me to see what needed healing, provided the healing and then taught me invaluable tools for my soul’s evolutionary journey. She helped me gain the real wisdom, the clarity to change my life.
A combination of her laser like intuition, her pinpoint accuracy and mastery of energy work enabled me to have a powerfully transformative experience. I am lighter, happier, and filled with the fruits of “aha” moments! I am grateful and blessed for having had the opportunity to work with her. I would work with her again in a heartbeat! I highly recommend her to individuals ready to call in their next, fuller expression of themselves. ”
~ Karen E. San Francisco
MarBeth’s Power of Joy Program
This course is a step-by-step approach designed to help you remove the negative emotions caused by loss in your life and in turn create a joy-filled life.
The kind of life where you wake up each day refreshed, invigorated and excited to go about your day… feeling blissful, relaxed and serene in each moment.
It takes what I’ve learned from over 25 years being a spiritual teacher, 18 years being a facilitator, and 8 years helping my private clients attain lasting joy and happiness in their life… put into an easy to follow course that will take you from where you are now to exactly how you want to think and feel in your daily life.
More specifically, it includes an audio mp3 set segmented into 4 different modules (more on this in a second), plus a workbook to help you get the most benefit out of the program.
Here’s what’s included in the program…
Module #1: Clearing The Causes
How hurts and losses keep you stuck in unproductive patterns which put you down the downward spiral of more pain, more loss, prosperity blocks and anxiety!
How forgiveness releases the past, including negative emotional baggage which is keeping you from reaching your true magnificent self…
Powerful visualizations & exercises to access your heart space, release the past and to forgive others and yourself… clearing the way for joy!
Module #2: Clearing the Causes (Part 2)
How your perceptual lenses and limiting beliefs hold you back from the joyful life you were meant to live!
An amazing, powerful exercise which clears your negative, limiting beliefs quickly and easily.
A simple, fun exercise which supercharges your positive affirmations and inspirations…
Why other people’s negative emotions can be latching onto you, sucking you down with them… and how to release that negative energy to free yourself from others tight holds on you…
Clear your space – Simple techniques to erradicate the old, stale and negative energy… safely and quickly
Module #3: Connecting with your Angels
A detailed explanation of angels and archangels… and how you can borrow their amazing abilities to help guide your life to your fullest potential… (PLUS: Easy techniques for connecting with these “helpers” on a deep level!
My “Breath of Fire” Kundalini Yoga exercise which elevates your vibrational life force energy on autopilot…
My Angel Meditation technique which allows you access to your heart space, and connect you with your angels)… this technique is so powerful I recommend doing it as often as possible!
Module #4: Strategies, Tactics, Exercises and Meditations To Create More Joy
How to perform Alternate Nostril Breathing (a Kundalini Yoga exercise)
How to distinguish your two voices (one is for love, one for fear) and use them to your advantage to overcome fears… bring in more love… and enjoy life more!
Simple techniques for “thinking yourself joyful” – These thought-changing techniques are easy, work quickly and dramatically shift your thinking
How To Create your Day for maximized daily joy, happiness and prosperity… this simple exercise has changed the lives of thousands!
How to use appreciation as a strategy to raise your vibration and align with Source energy, develop more insight, and connect with your heart…
My little-known “Joy Ride” meditation which allows you to experience joy virtually on command!
This is not your typical joyness book or audio program which gives you general, vague theory which you can’t apply. And it isn’t a single method for overcoming the negatives aspects of your life and turning them into joy.
Instead I’ll show you how to automatically and effortlessly become more joyful on a permanent basis.