IMG_0053Last year, when Harrison and I were invited to cruise through the Caribbean with Mike Filsaime and Captain Lou and over 400+ marketers in January, I was skeptical.

I  envisioned a humongous pitchfest of aggressive marketers trying to sell me their products, and I wanted no part of it. I’m a heart centered, holistic, coach and mentor. I just wasn’t sure this cruise would be a good fit for me.

Surprisingly, nothing could have been further from the truth. It was, in fact, a huge mastermind of wonderful people, who shared their best marketing tips and strategies freely to help me reach a bigger audience. It was also a fabulous networking experience… and there were other heart centered folks there are well!

We had so much fun! Beautiful islands… Late night connections, informative seminars during the day…. hippiesCheck out Harrison and me at the “Dress as Your Favorite Music Decade” party! We signed up for next years cruise on the ship along with hundreds of others!

January 25th the Marketers Cruise is headed to Cozumel – Mexico, Belize, Isla Roatan and Grand Cayman Island, and I’m inviting you to join us !

Click here to check out the cruise

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