The Consequences of Not Forgiving Someone Who Has Hurt You…

This is the second article I’ve written on forgiveness recently It’s such an important topic, I thought it worthy of revisiting!  There are many BENEFITS of forgiving (click here to see my previous article).  There are so many DISADVANTAGES when you don’t forgive.  Here are just a few:

Unforgiveness limits your options – No one can make the wisest of choices when their decision making process is clouded by anger, hurt, resentment and a desire for revenge.  Not only will you make decisions that are high on emotion and low on logic, you will also be dragging the wrong kind of energy with you into your new actions.  Give yourself the chance to experience your best life by approaching everything with a spirit of love and acceptance.  When you are open to receiving love, you will find it in unexpected places AND people and acceptance, and help, support and exciting new opportunities will begin to show up for you. The best way to embrace your future is to forgive whatever is keeping you stuck the past.

Unforgiveness prevents you from addressing the real emotion – When you don’t want to forgive, it’s usually because you are deeply angry.  Anger though, is usually the surface emotion for feeling hurt or scared underneath.  The tricky thing about anger is that it allows you to stay focused on the other person and justify your emotions based on your perception of what they did  If you want to forgive someone, try suspending judgment about who they are as a person and why you have the right to be angry.  Instead, take a deep breath and get real with yourself about what you are truly feeling.  This can be quite challenging but if you can uncover what your emotional part in the situation is, you may find that forgiveness won’t be quite as difficult as you thought.

Unforgiveness renders you powerless and stuck – Harboring unforgiveness ironically, is something that may make you feel like you have the power and are in control ( my unforgiveness makes you suffer, right?) but it is ultimately, controlling you.  The more you spend time reliving the “story” of why so and so doesn’t deserve to be forgiven, the more you erode your own daily power.  Do this often enough and you will eventually live in a cycle of loss of control and not even realize it. Anger, bitterness and resentment will be the order of the day, every day.  By choosing to forgive, however, you reclaim your power and your ability to create a positive result from a not so positive experience.  It’s going to be difficult to experience any kind of freedom as long as you continue to throw your power away to the controlling monster of deep seated rage.  Set yourself free from the chains and choose empowerment.

Forgive Yourself – Lastly, you may want to consider forgiving yourself.  For the true healing to begin, examine things from all sides and see where maybe, just maybe, you had some part in what transpired.  If you truly did nothing to contribute to the situation (and this does happen!) you may still need to forgive yourself for being helpless in the situation and/or for choosing your course of action in the moment.  Accept the fact that you did the best you could, at that moment, with the knowledge and beliefs that you had and then let it go.   As the quote says, “To err is human; to forgive divine”.  Choose the divine and let forgiveness bring you freedom.

 © MarBeth Dunn, June 2012

My Holiday Gift for You… Peace in the New Year ☮️

Looking for a 2019 free of stress and overwhelm?

Here’s my gift to you…the key to Peace, Love, Joy and Miracles. It’s the 10 Pillars of Peace, a poster I created just for you! Simply choose one of the pillars and focus on it for a week. Meditate on it. Use it as an affirmation. Post it around your house and work. Live it. If you forget, and lose your peace, don’t judge yourself. You made a mistake. Just let it go and return to your focus. The next week, choose another. Soon you will be feeling greater peace and happiness.

To download this poster, click on the image. Then save the image that appears in a new window.

A great way to accelerate your peace is to join my weekly LIVE meditation for Global Peace, broadcast every Monday at noon ET (9am PT) and meditate with me daily at

As more people embrace personal peace, and focus on World Peace, we’ll experience greater harmony on our beautiful planet!

Is your life tumultuous? Are you going though change? Need some expert help to help you release patterns that no longer serve you? Click Here to book your FREE consult with me.

How to Forgive the Unforgivable


In this video we explore:

1. Why you may be holding on to hurt and anger… why it can be so hard to let go.

2. Why forgiveness is one of the most important things you can do for your personal growth

3. Some ways you can finally let the past go and be free.

MarBeth Dunn is an Energy Management Specialist and Miracles Mentor. She helps highly sensitive, empathic professionals to manage their energy so they can live a happy, peaceful, prosperous life. Energy Management is a holistic framework for individualized life enhancement that synthesizes energy healing techniques, spiritual principals, empowerment training, mind expansion, and yoga. Energy Management is a broad spectrum approach to life challenges caused by a number of issues, simple or complex.

Schedule your free consultation with MarBeth at

Using Fun to Create MIRACLES!


Sign up in the box to the right (or underneath on your mobile device), to be sure you don’t miss out on any Miracle tips! You’ll get a free book to unlock your Joy, as well.


Click on the image below to watch the video!

Child playing in swimming pool

Have you ever noticed that when you are having fun, life flows perfectly and when you’re trying too hard to make something happen, it doesn’t?

When you really NEED something to happen, you’re creating resistance

Watch the video and let me know what you think by leaving a comment in the box below.
Do something wonderful for yourself today!

Schedule a FREE introductory consult with me to explore how you might be blocking miracles through past life events, ancestral patterns, beliefs, trapped emotions and more. Use the “Let’s Talk/Contact Us” app below to book your session today!

If you missed the other Miracle Minutes, watch them here
Love & Blessings,


Miracle MInute 9 – How to See Beyond Illusions to MIRACLES!


Sign up in the box to the right (or underneath on your mobile device), to be sure you don’t miss out on any Miracle tips! You’ll get a free book to unlock your Joy, as well.


Have you ever seen an optical illusion where the image shifts as you change your focus?

This week’s Miracle Minute explains how you can move past the physical world to the realm of miracles.

Watch the video and let me know what you think by leaving a comment in the box below.
Do something wonderful for yourself today!

Schedule a FREE introductory consult with me to explore how you might be blocking miracles through past life events, ancestral patterns, beliefs, trapped emotions and more. Use the “Let’s Talk/Contact Us” app below to book your session today!

If you missed the other Miracle Minutes, watch them here
Love & Blessings,


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