The Consequences of Not Forgiving Someone Who Has Hurt You…

This is the second article I’ve written on forgiveness recently It’s such an important topic, I thought it worthy of revisiting!  There are many BENEFITS of forgiving (click here to see my previous article).  There are so many DISADVANTAGES when you don’t forgive.  Here are just a few:

Unforgiveness limits your options – No one can make the wisest of choices when their decision making process is clouded by anger, hurt, resentment and a desire for revenge.  Not only will you make decisions that are high on emotion and low on logic, you will also be dragging the wrong kind of energy with you into your new actions.  Give yourself the chance to experience your best life by approaching everything with a spirit of love and acceptance.  When you are open to receiving love, you will find it in unexpected places AND people and acceptance, and help, support and exciting new opportunities will begin to show up for you. The best way to embrace your future is to forgive whatever is keeping you stuck the past.

Unforgiveness prevents you from addressing the real emotion – When you don’t want to forgive, it’s usually because you are deeply angry.  Anger though, is usually the surface emotion for feeling hurt or scared underneath.  The tricky thing about anger is that it allows you to stay focused on the other person and justify your emotions based on your perception of what they did  If you want to forgive someone, try suspending judgment about who they are as a person and why you have the right to be angry.  Instead, take a deep breath and get real with yourself about what you are truly feeling.  This can be quite challenging but if you can uncover what your emotional part in the situation is, you may find that forgiveness won’t be quite as difficult as you thought.

Unforgiveness renders you powerless and stuck – Harboring unforgiveness ironically, is something that may make you feel like you have the power and are in control ( my unforgiveness makes you suffer, right?) but it is ultimately, controlling you.  The more you spend time reliving the “story” of why so and so doesn’t deserve to be forgiven, the more you erode your own daily power.  Do this often enough and you will eventually live in a cycle of loss of control and not even realize it. Anger, bitterness and resentment will be the order of the day, every day.  By choosing to forgive, however, you reclaim your power and your ability to create a positive result from a not so positive experience.  It’s going to be difficult to experience any kind of freedom as long as you continue to throw your power away to the controlling monster of deep seated rage.  Set yourself free from the chains and choose empowerment.

Forgive Yourself – Lastly, you may want to consider forgiving yourself.  For the true healing to begin, examine things from all sides and see where maybe, just maybe, you had some part in what transpired.  If you truly did nothing to contribute to the situation (and this does happen!) you may still need to forgive yourself for being helpless in the situation and/or for choosing your course of action in the moment.  Accept the fact that you did the best you could, at that moment, with the knowledge and beliefs that you had and then let it go.   As the quote says, “To err is human; to forgive divine”.  Choose the divine and let forgiveness bring you freedom.

 © MarBeth Dunn, June 2012

Is Fear Keeping you Stuck?

This updated reprint of my old blog seems so apropo in these “interesting times”… There’s a Chinese proverb that says, “May you live in interesting times.”  To say that there are plenty of people who are wishing the times weren’t quite so interesting is an understatement!  “Interesting” is a term that for so many people means fear, and this saddens me, as fear prevents you from living your best life.  Detaching from fear allows you to step into your “bigger self” into a place of love, and that’s going to benefit both you and other people. I’ve come up with a few ways you can stop the fear, start experiencing love and start living life from your “bigger self” perspective.

Tap into LOVE – Do you label fear as something bad? Fear is an indicator that you are not feeling love. Notice what you’re feeling without any judgment, and gently shift your focus to thoughts of love. What can you do to give unconditional love to someone else?  What can you do to experience more love yourself?  When you are in a place of love, fear doesn’t exist.  You can tap into love whenever you have a loving thought, or a thought of appreciation.  The more loving thoughts, the higher your vibration will be.  Ask yourself, “How can I experience more love in my life?” and let the answers flow into your mind.  Deliberately choose thoughts of love, gratitude and appreciation whenever possible.

Create a new story – Do you tell yourself the same old fear based stories out of habit? “I’m not good enough to do this,“This never turns out well,” and “I always get hurt” are common mantras that keep you steeped in fear and prevent you from moving forward. Ask yourself, “What if it’s not true? What if I could simply change my thoughts to create a different outcome? How would I like it to look?”  You’ve programmed yourself to believe the old story based on fear, and it’s keeping you small and contracted.  You are a powerful being, with the ability to choose a new story with a different outcome. Tac, kle the old beliefs one by one and recreate your life.

Focus on the positive – Fear is a thought pattern that arises from feeling lack.  Lack of power, lack of self esteem, and lack of self worth often engender a fear of being exposed to others. Get quiet, breathe deeply, and imagine yourself expanding in size until you are bigger than the universe. From this larger perspective, imagine you are filled with a pure, golden light of pure love, and that you feel good about yourself.  Make a list of 10 positive things that you appreciate about yourself. Keep the list handy and read it often.

Fear keeps you vibrating at a very low level. Let your intention always be to keep as high a vibration as possible.  Remember, when you’re vibrating at a higher level, magic starts to happen.  Letting go of fear is one of the best things you can do for yourself and the world because your bigger self steps up, and you become the light you were born to be.  In the absence of fear and in the presence of your bigger self, you’ll find empowerment and the courage to follow your intuition.  This means you’re now living the authentic life you’re here to live. By being your highest, most loving self, other people will be influenced to live more authentically. Release judgment, tap into love, create a new story and shift your perspective, so nothing will stop you from stepping out in a big way. Your world is waiting!

© 2012 MarBeth Dunn and Destination Empowerment Inc

3 Simple Secrets for Creating Money…

Money, money, MONEY!!  We think about it, dream about it, worry about it and plan for it.  It is the topic we can’t seem to get enough of and it is the subject that can quickly bring up a lot of emotion.  Although much has been written about manifesting money, the secret is, there really isn’t much of a secret about how to do it.  Following these core principles will manifest all the money you want and need BUT most people fail to act on these principles consistently, with enthusiasm.  I’ve outlined three steps to manifesting money and if you commit to putting these into practice, you will see a difference in your money situation!

1.  WHY – Know why you want the money and set clear intentions –don’t fall prey to generalities like these: “I want a lot of money”, “I’d have a great life with more money”That’s not specific enough.  It’s important to realize that it’s not the money you really want; after all, money is just dirty paper.  You must access the feeling of what the money will bring you.  For example, do you want to travel?  Then FEEL the feeling of excitement and wonder at discovering and experiencing new places.  Dreaming of that beautiful home so you can entertain?  Then FEEL the feeling of community and connection that the beautiful home will bring.  Do you see the difference?  Be specific about what you want the money to do for you or for the people in your life.  Set your intentions with complete clarity and commit to them.  I’ve noticed that most people fall into the trap of being passionate about manifesting money on days where they are “feeling it” and then lose enthusiasm depending on their circumstances or mood.  As long as you are unclear and uncommitted, your money will also be.  Money is energy like everything else, and what you put out is what you’ll get back.

2. VISUALIZE – Create a movie in your mind that you love playing over and over – Clearly visualize what you want and then paint that picture vividly in your mind.  Clarity and specificity are two big reasons that money starts to manifest so spend some time visualizing what it is you want.  Think of the house built for entertaining.  How many rooms does it have?  What does the outside look like, how big is the kitchen, does it have a pool?  Create something so clear and precise in your mind that you can pull it up, exactly like a scene from your favorite movie, any time you want.  Spend at least fifteen minutes a day meditating on that visual so that you can really SEE and FEEL yourself living in the movie in your head.

3.  ACT “AS IF” – this one can be a bit tricky for people.  One of the fastest ways to manifest money is to act as if it’s  already yours, or in other words, act as if you are already living the life that your money will provide.  You may not be able to run out and buy the big, entertaining home right this moment but what you can do is act as if it’s very near.  What would someone who is going to buy that home in the very near future do?  They might start cleaning out their current home, throwing things away that no longer serve them, organizing paper work (because someone who can afford that kind of home is also looking to hire a personal assistant) and improving their wardrobe so they have appropriate attire to wear for all their guests.  The question to ask yourself at any stage is, “What would someone who (makes a million dollars/owns a large home and entertains frequently/is super fit and healthy) do at this moment in this situation?”  This is acting “as if” and when you do this, you are aligning your internal beliefs with your external actions.  This creates vibrational harmony and the energy you are putting out starts matching what you are drawing back in.

Manifesting money is simple, yet most people don’t or won’t take the time and the discipline to follow these steps every day with passion and dedication.  But you are ready to start doing that now, aren’t you?  These 3 secrets will help jump start your money magnetism.  Remember, your money is out there waiting to find you!

© 2012 MarBeth Dunn

Get to the HEART of Developing Your Intuition…

Tapping into your intuition can be one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself,  yet, how often do you get get stuck in your head, believing  that logic could not possibly lead you astray? Although thinking things through rationally and logically is an effective strategy, science has proven that our intuition, those “gut feelings” we all have, can be incredibly accurate compasses when you are trying to decide what to do in your life and business.   If you would like to start living more powerfully, you’ll want to trust your intuition more, and that means getting to the heart of the matter…going into your “heart space to access your intuition”.

Ask and Wait –  Getting into your heart space means learning how to hear what your heart and spirit are saying to you.  It  also means being comfortable to trust your intuition rather than just logic.  And, just how exactly do you do that?  By asking and waiting – The easiest way to access your intuition is to start asking questions and waiting expectantly for the answers.  It’s amazing what your mind, body and spirit will tell you when you get quiet long enough to hear their feedback.  Not sure which direction to take in your career? Can’t decide whether or not to end a relationship?  Wondering if you should take that leap of faith and do X?  Ask yourself these questions and sit quietly trusting you will get the answers.  Your answers may not come immediately.  Just wait expectantly and it will come.  The more you do this, the more you will become accustomed to what  this feels like, and you’ll start to trust your intuition more.  You’ll also notice that the answers start to come more quickly and easily.

Travel light – when you are in your heart space, you should feel “light”.  If you’re feeling any heaviness or density at all around your heart, you can be certain you’ve got left over baggage.  Your heart space, when “healthy”, will feel like a comfortable place to be, and that’s because it’s where we connect to Source /God / The Universe.  If you’re experiencing any heaviness or density, feelings of hurt, pain, anger or bitterness might be taking up residence in your heart space.  These unresolved feelings can interfere with your ability to get answers.  When your heart space of light and wisdom is crowded by uncomfortable emotions, don’t repress them or push them away.   Start to love and accept them, so you can truly rely on your intuition when you need it.  Staying in a place of constant gratitude and appreciation is also important to get answers quickly and you’ll have the confidence you need to access your intuition.

Trust the bizarre – one of the most interesting things about making intuitive decisions is that very frequently, they don’t make a lot of sense! Logic tells us that everything should line up, make sense on paper and be rational and easily understood.  But intuition moves faster than that and it’s not uncommon for “gut decisions” to be more on target than “thinking” ones.  It is our subconscious processes  that enable us to make solid decisions that in the moment may sound a little sketchy.  Think of a time when you just got a gut feeling that you had to call a friend, even if you hadn’t heard from that friend in a while.  Or have you ever turned down something that looked good on paper or accepted an offer than in the logical realm seemed to maybe not be such a great deal?  We pull in so much more information than we realize and although our minds can’t keep up with it all, our heart space can.

Developing your intuition is incredibly powerful and the more you start to tap into it, the more you will find you rely on it.  Take some time to get into your heart space today and see for yourself!

© 2012 MarBeth Dunn

The Aummmmmm of Meditation For Beginners….

There is such an infinite variety of meditations, that a person could get lost.  You can meditate on a candle, on a mantra, on your breath, a photo, your third eye or your naval, or any combination thereof. You can listen to a prerecorded guided visualization meditation, or meditate while walking, or communing with nature.  The techniques can be simple or complex, yet they are all designed to quiet your mind, elevate your consciousness, and connect you with your internal guidance system, and they offer additional benefits as well. What is important to note, is that meditation in general, and the discipline of making it an everyday practice, has been proven over and over to have significant physical, emotional, spiritual and mental benefits, and when practiced correctly, it can provide powerful results. These benefits can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.

Physical Benefits of Meditation– Often, we get “centered” in meditation by focusing on a specific area of the body for a set amount of time.  Studies have shown that when the mind is solely focused on just one part of the body, blood flow increases to that region of the body, and cells receive more oxygen and an abundance of nutrients.  Healthier cells mean a strengthened immune system, and a healthier immune system means an overall healthier you.  This focus on the body also allows the muscles to relax, which can lead to things such as better or more restful sleep and feeling more energetic.  As you become more aware of, and appreciative of your body, you become more in sync with it and treat it more conscientiously.  This mind/body connection improves your physical health.

Spiritual & Emotional Benefits– Meditation is a way of getting still and connecting with your inner self and the Divine.  More often than not, you may have the answers to all of your questions but the daily hustle of your busy lives frequently drowns that information out.  When you are able to get quiet enough to hear what your higher self is trying to tell you, things can become clear very quickly.

Meditation will also allow you to see things from a different perspective, which can bring about a renewed confidence or calm; a feeling of “I can do this” and that whatever you are experiencing is manageable.   As your awareness is heightened, you begin to see things from your “Divine” Self, which always has your highest and greatest good as a top priority.  You may still have questions but the answers will start to come.

Mental Benefits  of Meditation– Ever feel like you’re just not performing at your peak level?  A good meditation session will probably cure that.  Meditating has been shown to increase focus, concentration and clarity and additionally, unleash deep seated creativity.  With meditation, you will probably be able to resume tasks with a renewed sense of vigor that had you feeling completely burned out, and creative projects that had you feeling stuck will suddenly begin to create themselves.  Since meditation reduces anxiety and stress and increases peace of mind, you’ll be able to perform in a higher and more productive state than you would without taking the time to meditate.  In fact, one of the best things you can do when you are feeling “stuck” with any kind of work project, is to let it go and take a few minutes to meditate.  The simple act of walking away from the work and connecting with you can make the difference between a project that feels like forced action and one where the action is simply inspired.

The next time you are feeling overburdened, whether it’s physical, emotional or mental, make a conscious effort to stop what you are doing and find a quiet place where you can just be.  Just ten minutes or so of mediation can make a big difference in your next twenty-four hours.  Any way you do that math, that’s a great return on investment!

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